My married friends may not agree, but I have always likened gallery shows to weddings: immense preparation is involved, you are nervous despite it being, technically, a joyful occasion, and at the actual party you wind up talking to roughly a bazillion people in short bursts. But it was a good opening, thank you. I saw friends I haven't seen in ages and afterwards hit the bars with some of my favorite people. A few photos below:
Collin, who I met in art school back in the day (in seersucker), and his lovely girlfriend Elizabeth.
Kitty! (Photo by Jenny McConnell Frederick, Director of Performing Arts at the Flashpoint, and mother of this adorable little guy.)
Says my friend Anthony: "That is the most self-satisfied-looking cat ever." Well, yeah.
Detail shot of Everyone, which sold to my friend Yeon-Woo. "When I saw it, I didn't want anyone else to have it," she said, which literally made me hug her.