From You Can't Put Art on a Pedestal
Why yes, I do have a new website. Thank you for noticing. And while we're at it, a few announcements:
- My aforementioned show, You Can't Put Art on a Pedestal at the DC Art Center Nano Gallery has been extended to October 5th. About half of the 57 small drawings on display have sold since the last time I checked, so get 'em while you can. Each drawing is $55. And speaking of which...
- The closing talk for my show is on Sunday, September 21 at 5:00 PM. The lovely Philippa Hughes of Pink Line Project fame will be moderating, so this should be really be a fun time.
- I am almost sold out of The Bachelor Cat comics, in case you will still like one. (There was a brief uptick in sales when this article came out in the NYT last month.)